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Not boring at all

Athleisure is a thing. Mostly leisure for me though. We had a busy week, many things to do and all things to enjoy. I love taking strolls together in the evening and just do nothing, walk, sit around and chill enjoying the breeze and the lagoon. It wonders me how I never feel tired of that view and always find it refreshing. Life sure is good when I am there.

This top is one of my personal faves because it dries super fast and so breezy. When we have a hotter day it is too precious. I leveled up the outfit with necklace and a hat and really didn't bother to think much of my look. I did feel as relaxed as I looked on the photo.
By the way, what are your plans for the weekend? I plan on doing nothing, just chill, beach and may be some music and dances.

I was wearing:
c/o Rexing sports top
Oysho shorts
Optima flipflops
Cuidado con el Perro hat
c/o Moon Love necklace


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. I will be happy looking blankly away from high places! Well, thats my thing. And yeah, athleisure is a thing Hehe

  2. Such a cute casual outfit - I live in shorts and tees in the hot summer months for sure! :)

    Hope you are having a good week :) Sounds like you have a nice weekend ahead!

    Away From The Blue

  3. That hat!!! Super super cute...You always have the best style ever, love it.

  4. It is an amazing view and I can definitely understand why you love it so much! This is a great outfit. I hope you have a wonderful weekend <3
    the creation of beauty is art.

  5. That was an amazing view. I love your simple, summer outfit.. looks so comfy! Enjoy your weekend, as for me, will be working on my vlog backlogs.

  6. This looks relaxing! Glad to see you had a good time!

  7. Oh yes I plan on getting some athleisure sets in the fall. Now all I wear is smock dresses too hot for anything else lol. I plan to hit the beach myself tomorrow.

    Allie of

    1. I agree: a breezy dress is a savior when it's very hot. thankfully we don't have anything even remotely close to the heat wave, if anything, it is even slightly colder than it normally should be around this time of the year

  8. What a great way to replenish yourself! Wonderful ways to just relax and reflect and enjoy the moment. So happy you do it.

  9. Looks like a comfortable outfit! And sometimes just relaxing is so nice, that is what I am doing this weekend after a few weekends of non-stop stuff.

  10. Yeah! Love the view, perfect for evening walk. I love wearing quick dry tee and short too, love your flip flops, nice pair :) cheers Siennylovesdrawing

  11. It's nice to have a comfy outfit that looks good too. Sports for the weekend over here. Always. The teen's life at the moment. ;)

  12. You sure do look relaxed. Since this summer, I'm going on various blogger trips mostly on weekends, I enjoyed this one since there wasn't any pressure to do something in particular. Yet, I accomplished some chores and still had a great time.

  13. I love this cute and casual look. You look so laid back and comfortable!

  14. Never boring! Not you! I have never heard the term 'athleisure,' but it's basically me! Amazing new word!

    1. I heard it the first time in 2020 and it also stroke me how accurate and cute it was. using it all the time since than. I'm happy I game something nice and new today

  15. Weekends are me-time for me. I would love to just get away from work and eat and listen to soft music. That's how I detoxify.

  16. I just love visiting the beach for me-time. its so peaceful.

  17. So cute hat!
    Very nice photos!

  18. Love afternoon walks by the water! And athleisure is my favorite too. Not too work out clothes looking but still comfortable and made with good materials.

  19. Looks like a lovely way to spend your day! I love the shirt. Looks so comfy!

  20. I did the same thing- Casual outfit and relaxed by the water! Perfect!

  21. I love atheleisure wear. It’s so comfy and I don’t have to go to the gym if I don’t want to!

  22. I love your hat! It is amazing to be so completely relaxed and comfortable. My husband and I are going hiking and out for a dinner date this weekend. I'm excited to get out for some good exercise and quality time with him.

  23. I would love that too - just sitting and watching nature around you

  24. Love this relaxed look! The hat is perfect!

  25. I would definitely fall in love with such s view too. Your top looks comfy for a walk along the cost line.

  26. I love tops that dry quickly and are cooling and breezy! Also spending time relaxing by water is a great way to spend a few hours

    Laura x


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