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Showing posts from March, 2017

Amsterdam rush

I have a lot of news and events I want to share with you but instead I want to come back to my short vacation. I feel so refreshed now but a little sad as my vacation was so full of adventures and I can't wait to get some more! During this trip I managed to spend some time in 3 countries which is exciting in fact. We had two short stays in Amsterdam, spend 3 days in Denmark's Copenhagen region and spent couple of hours in Swedish Helsingborg. Today I want I want to show my travel look and some assorted Amsterdam shots. We got of plane early in the morning, it was raining and there were almost no people around. Beautiful. Our vacation started and we enjoyed the views, marked some shopping places we wanted to visit on our way home and also we could afford spending some time on searches of best spot (opened) for breakfast. In fact wondering around the city, making foot contact with roads for me is the best way to explore. I do love some fine museum or two (contemporary art of

Estet Fashion Week XIII

Eng:I have one more exciting announcement for you guys today! Estet Fashion Week, the jewelry fashion week is going to be very soon! On April 10-16 for the first time the fashion week is to last the whole 7 days. The clothes and jewelry combined to bring the best of style! Fashion partispants are:  Slava Zaitsev, Querida Philippa (Spain), Varant Aprahamian (Libanon),Svetlana Divo (Pushkina), PABLOSKY (Spain), L’erede, Kanounov, Stilnyashka, SHADOYAN Fashion (Armenia), Fashion Style and others; jewelry brands: GEVORKYAN, Escada, NIKA (НИКА), ЮЗ «Эстет», TechnoMarine, Bijou Tresor, «Ани М», Alcozer&J, Gohfeld Jewellery, Zlata, «Киэрге», Philippe de Cheron, YKstyle. Also as it was before there will be round tables, fashion talks and other interesting events during the fashion week! Very excited to be a part of it! Русский перевод под изображением. 10-16 апреля 2017 года в Москве пройдет XIII сезон международной ювелирной недели моды Estet Fashion Week. Этой весной нед

Alan Muna 08/04

I have wonderful news for you. On April 8th in Moscow there will be a fashionshow of collection H/Z (High Zoom) by designer Alan Muna with more than 150 items. Read more on Russian. RU: 8 апреля в центре столицы в историческом особняке состоится показ новой эксклюзивной коллекции H/Z (High Zoom) F/W 2017-18 дизайнера Alan Muna. Будут представлены более 150 моделей мужской и женской одежды от prêt-à-porter до haute couture. Модели из натуральных материалов эффектно дополнены ручной вышивкой и эксклюзивными авторскими  украшениями. Стиль новой коллекции сочетаетклассику с элементами glam rock и подойдет успешным, творческим людям, которые открыты экспериментам и не боятся эпатировать публику. Среди 300 приглашенных гостей звезды российского шоу - бизнеса, медийные персоны, многочисленные клиенты дизайнера. Бренд Alan Muna представлен на рынке эксклюзивной вечерней и повседневной моды более 6 лет и успел завоевать успех среди ценителей качественной и оригинальной одежды. Марке Alan Mun

FollowTheFabrika I.V

Hey guys! I'm back from my vacation. Have lots of exciting stuff happening! Can't wait to share everything with you! And so far I want to show you the report on my dearly loved project called Follow The Fabrika. Just reminding you it was shown online for the first time so we all had equal chances to check it out! Also I'm posting amazing photos from the photographers - so beautiful! FollowTheFabrika is the only project in Russia which actually helps you to go grow business providing not only the fashions shows but creating connections and presenting all of the contestants with useful grants. The contestants were: Sonita Filimonova (brand«Bizarrree») - the founder of young brand and also the winner showed how to stand out Kirill Chekalov (brand «FARINI») made multifunctional dresses which transform from day to night. Olga Mitrofanova (brand«ОМ»)was all about bright colors and summer. Русский перевод под изображением. RU: 19 марта 2017 года яркий fashion-прое

St. Patrick's Day

I'm sure you knew I am going to post it! Surely I do. Our annual tradition to celebrate St. Patrick's Day attending a parade in Moscow is to stay. This time it was 10th parade. I'm so happy to go there for all of this fun, joy and atmosphere. Also seeing your friends is so good esp. when I simply run into them in the crowd! Here are some highlights from the day: Have a nice day, Lyosha  

MBFWRussia, part 5

My last day on MBFWRussia was the shortest for me because the day was very busy with general trip preparation and things I had to make sure I had done before leaving. That's why Ksenia Seraya fashion show was special to me (even though I already knew I am sure to like this collection). Very feminine and tender. Ready to wear if you ask me and surely beautiful. Mommy, I know you wanted to share with event with me so I hope you're reading this and share this fashion show with me at least online. Русский перевод под изображением. RU: Мой последний день в рамках MBFWRussia был для меня так же самым коротким, ведь весь день для меня был наполнен суетой перед поездкой и всеми теми важными делами, которые было непременно необходимо переделать перед тем, как отправиться в путь. Поэтому показ Ксении Серой (даже несмотря на то, что я заранее была уверена в том, что коллекция мне понравится) был для меня особенным. Очень женственная и нежная. Её легко можно носить в повседневной жиз