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Showing posts from April, 2018

Tiny little trip

Spring makes me want to travel. To tell the truth it makes want to travel badly. In that case my ultimate best desision I have been skipping for way too long is little break aways. It might only take few hours but I am sure new scenery beautiful sights will bring you joy. It might be really unforgettable! Today I want to share with you my outfit I wore for a small trip to Istra (around an hour by suburban train from Moscow) which is famous for it's monastery. It looked great! A wore a comfy trench coat, jeans and a dress paired with comfy shoes. If you follow my blog closely and have a good eye you might notice I have already shown you this look but without a coat before. My apologies but I do feel like this little deserves a post on its own. I dunno why but it was a huge blast for both of us. Have a great weekend! I was wearing: Mango coat (very old) Pakerson shoes Calvin Klein shoes c/o Zaful dress Arny Praht backpack

Lingerie Fashion Week spring 2018

This post is dedicated to all lingerie girls such as myself. April means Lingerie Fashion Week for me! There was no way I could have missed that. And you can be sure I had a total blast there. Wonderful fashion shows, useful masterclasses and endless shopping. RU: этот пост я посвящаю всем девушкам, обожающим бельё, таким девушкам как и я сама. Апрель для меня прочно стал месяцев, когда проходит Lingerie Fashion Week. Конечно, я никак не могла пропустить её. И, конечно, это было шикарно. Отличные показы мод, полезные мастер-классы и бесконечный рай шоппинга. As you might remember each fashion show is dedicated to some theme changing from season to season. This season the was dancing. And the fashion show below is rumba! Passionate, bright and a bit fancy. Just like the styles. RU: как и предыдущих сезонах каждый показ посвящён определенной теме. В этом сезоне темой были танцы. А для показа ниже танцем-темой стала румба. Яркая, страстная и стильная. Очень подходящая о

Estet Fashion Week, p. 3

ENG: My third and final day on Estet Fashion Week was super fun. I was a little bit tired after many hours walking and relaxing with my better half but the shows were lovely enough to make feel excited forget about how my body feels. RU: Мой третий и последний день на Неделе Моды Эстет был очень интересным. Я приехала немного усталой после дня, проведённого в прогулке с моей лучшей половиной, однако энергетика шоу наполнила меня так, что от усталости не осталось и следа. Each show was unique in its own way. And left a lovely trace of wanting some more after each passing. A bitter sweet emotion of being excited to see next show yet curious to know to come next. And as each final day it was great to know winners. I can as well say and actually feel an urge to say the 15th Estet Fashion Week was a huge success. It was nicely organized and the participants were interesting to watch, styles are very fashionable, many could be worn daily. I can only wish many Estet Fashi