This year I'm a little late with this post but still it's a part of what I do each and every year with my beloved Max. And each year I'm sharing this day with readers alongside with my outfit. This year is not going to be different. Surely I'm here to talk about St. Patrick's day parade in Moscow.a bit cold day (colder then in years before) so I could wear any of my two green colored shoes. In fact my outfit was as green as I wanted it to be. Most of the elements are good old faves like matchy beanie and classic satchel bag. You might not see it but I also wore green vest under the coat. I'm a little sad I skipped the part with photographing it. It definitely was colder then usual so I didn't up on street planning to snap the look without my coat but alas I forgot. Anyways, here is my quicky. We didn't have a cam so I've stolen my friend's shots Here a couple more from my phone (you might actually see them on my fb or insta earlier)
Inside is for personality, outside is for clothes.