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Friday workout FeelinGirl

Hello my dear readers! Happy Friday!
I have a great mood today and can't stop smiling for no reason. I think it's a great side effect of me being able to walk and run in the local park. It is so pleasing! i am not really happy with how short my run are so far but I know I need to work to build my running again after isolation. But don't mind me, I was doing a lot exercises at home, including grown number of weight training. I am not a fan of it to be honest, I enjoy all types of cardio including but not limited to running, cycling, ping-pong and yoga but when it goes to weights I disappear. HIIT was my own main source of training. Being at home, I took out domestic stuff and started sweating at home. Have to admit, it was better than I though I would and I will most likely do strength and weight trainings when everything is fully back to normal or so I hope right now. I started learning more about it and realized there are a lot of products that might help you to dig into it more. I teamed up with FeelinGirl to show some of it. I do hope you will enjoy it and find some sporty inspiration this Friday. Let us head to my three choices:
Squat like a queen you are with body bar and thigh and arm trimmer. Looks pretty nice and definitely useful.
Wonderful thigh and waist trimmer and it comes in pink color also. isn't it lovely? Definitely get to get some more from your workout.
I think it might bring you a lot of improvements and take your home indoor workout on different level. Plus you can use it gym too for sure.

There is also a big line of plus size waist trainer available on Feelin Girl, make sure to check it out!

Have you ever tried similar products? Do you like it? Let me know in comments. 

Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. I've seen products like these in use before but honestly haven't tried them myself. That being said, I have always been fascinated by the use of waist trainers and have been debating picking one up myself. I've had a few links saved on my computer for a couple years now as I keep going back and forth on pulling the trigger and giving it a go lol


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