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Fallow Deer

Yesterday Russia celebrated International Women's Day. I take it as a day when we remember why we need to fight to equal rights but a lot of people here celebrate it as day to remind girls to be pretty and inspire men. I don't really want to discuss it and get sad. Also a lot of people (me included) take it as a day to spread love to your female relatives. I went to see my grandmother. I love her so much! My fantastic mother was there with us as well. Our favorite men: my husband, my father and grandfather (I love his mustache so much!) - came as well. But as regular family time is boring, something new and exciting isn't. Not long before we found out about Fallow Deer shelter not far from my grandparent's place. We decided to add it to our tour. And here we were! The place is awesome. I am crazy about the idea of putting people in improvised cage while actual animals run free. How do we get to see them? There is spot where they eat next to the 'visitor cage'. They have to give deers some extra as the territory is not good enough to naturally feed 8 fallow deers. We go to see only half of them but it was lovely!
 The male is called Yasha. So cute. Crazy about anthers!

My outfit was casual and a little more colorful than regularly. I had so much fun and my mood was sky high!

I was wearing:
Fila sneakers
Monki socks and top
Uniqlo culottes (I hope you are not too tired of them because I'm not!)
Lacoste belt
Earrings, gift from my husband from last year from Lefkara village, Cyprus


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. Oh gosh they're so beautiful. And I love your outfit, it's perfect for hanging out with nature.

  2. You have a fabulous outfit! And it's always nice to see deer out. We celebrated International Women's Day as well!

  3. The deer are so gorgeous! I love what you're wearing. Both casual and fashionable.

  4. Such cute deers love your outfit happy International women's day

  5. That would be cool to see the deer up close. I like that they get to roam free and not be caged uo

  6. What a fun day with family! And I love your outfit. It looks so comfortable and fun.

  7. Oh my! Such beautiful animals. It must've been quite an experience being so close to them. Wonderful!

  8. What a unique way to celebrate the day. Must be so cool to see them first-hand, I would like to experience this too!

  9. Beautiful! That looks like a great day with family. I personally like to think of International Women's Day as an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of women around me, while also pointing out the areas where we, as a society, still need to improve in order to work towards equality.

  10. What a fun way to celebrate Women’s day! I loved the introduction part of the post..felt so warm :)

  11. What a unique way to spend the day and gather with family and loved ones.

  12. Herein the States that big of an animal with that large of a rack would be an Elk. That one sure is beautiful!

    1. Elk or Moose is a different animal, they are much bigger, stronger, have different diet. Pictured above is close relative of Bambi, hehe. In US there are Mule Deers (mostly in California) and White Tailed Deers (also known as Virginia deers)

  13. Kristine Nicole AlessandraMar 9, 2020, 10:13:00 PM

    This looks like a really nice place to visit. I love observing animals in their natural habitat. These deer look so happy and content in their sanctuary!

  14. Wow, such amazing and majestic creatures. I love animals. I would love to visit this place sometime.

  15. You've inspired me with these clothes! I always enjoy comfortable, yet elegant wear. Lovely nature photos as well.

  16. What a lovely family!

  17. Deer look different in Russia than the ones I am used to see in the States. But, you are super cute with that outfit!

  18. We have an animal rescue/preserve by me that we always visit to relax and they have fallow deer there as well. Such gentle looking creatures. I can sit there and watch those animals all day long. I find it very calming. Of course the outfit is on point for the occasion.

  19. How lovely to find the fallow deer. Aren't they beautiful?
    I think it was a good idea to spend the day with your female relatives. It was the perfect day to spread love.

  20. Hope you enjoyed International Women's Day! This brings back memories of when I fed deer as a child, I've always admired how elegant deer look.

  21. Looks like you had a fun day with your family visiting those beautiful deer. I like your's cute and fresh for such an outing!

  22. Oh my goodness I've never seen these. They're so beautiful!

  23. Your outfit went really well with your activity. Looks like a super fun day, they're so beauitufl!

  24. I wanna see those deers in person! I think my kids will love seeing them.

  25. The place really looks amazing 😍😍 cute pictures... thank you for sharing...😎

  26. What a lovely way to spend the day. With these cute deer around. To me they signify peace. Love your casual and comfortable clothes. Just perfect for the occasion.

  27. They're beautiful and you look fabulous x

  28. The outfit is great. I've never seen deer like that, very cool.

  29. Beautiful deer. A lovely day to celebrate International Women's Day. You look lovely too. I like that striped top.


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