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ENG: I think fashion should be various, different and always making a statement. It doesn't have to be something 'statement' with the outfit, it might have an important message. Today I want to tall you about the event where message is more important than a form. But in this case form matches the message in its beauty. It is Russia.ModestFashionWeek. Modest doesn't mean beautiful, statement and bold. Here are fashion shows from wonderful and modest Russian brands: Al Sofia, Anna Skorohodova, Asian Sprit, Freedom, IRADA, Jisla, YUGA, Velik Den.
RU: Я считаю, что можа должна быть разнообразной, яркой и всегда имеющий яркий акцент. Этот акцент не обязан быть частью образа, он может быть посланием марки. Сегодня я хочу поделиться с вами рассказом о мероприятии, в котором то самое послание даже несколько более важно, чем форма. Хотя в данном случае, форма и содержание представляют собой гармони. красоты. Это мероприятие Russia.ModestFashionWeek. Modest переводится как скромность и благопристойность, но это не означает не красивое, не яркое, не выдающееся. Ниже прекрасное тому доказательство, фотографии с показов прекрасных и благопристойных коллекцией отчественных марок: Al Sofia, Anna Skorohodova, Asian Sprit, Freedom, IRADA, Jisla, YUGA, Велик День.

ENG: And the headliner of Russia.ModestFashionWeek, the big Russian designer Viktoria Andrianova whose wonderful catwalk designs totally matched the location and atmosphere of Bothanical Garden 'Aptekarsky ogorod (Apothecary Garden)'.
RU: А так же хедлайнер Russia.ModestFashionWeek большой Российский дизайнер Викторя Андреяннова, чьи шикарные подиумные образы полностью соотвествовали не только тематике показов, но и атмосфере локации Ботаническому Саду "Аптекарский Огород".

Фотографии любезно предоставлены устраителями показов Russia.ModestFashionWeek
Photography is courtesy of organizers of Russia.ModestFashionWeek
Have a nice day,

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  1. There are a lot of great colors and outfits here! Thanks for sharing this.

  2. I love those outfits in the fashion show, but I especially love the setting they've used. It looks like the models are walking through a tropical forest.

    1. they are, it is tropical part of botanical garden

  3. These are some very interesting looks in your post. I agree that fashion should be making a statement. What amazes me though is that we say this about fashion and then old trends come back time after time. What's old is new again eventually.

    1. well noticed! we call it a cycle of fashion. that's actually pretty cool because we get to be trendy at no cost wearing old clothes, for example belonged to our parents.

  4. Russian fashion week looked like it was an awesome event. I would love to attend and see all the beautiful designs first hand :)

  5. Looks like an amazing event and I love the venue. Hope you had an amazing time!

  6. These pieces are truly incredible. They are so powerful and compelling. What a wonderful event to be able to attend!

  7. So many great fashions! I loved seeing these pictures, thank you so much. It looks like you had a wonderful time attending.

  8. I love this fashion show! The styles are classic and fit right in with the ambiance and decor. What did you wear to attend this show? You didn’t showcase your own outfit this time.

    1. I was supposed to visit this event but unfortunately I couldn't make it in person so I watched it online. as for what I wore, well it was a t-shirt

  9. Stylish outfits - I love all those loose, flowing items, they are so flattering. Lovely range of colours too.

  10. This week fashion week gives me surprised. Love the hoodie or headscarf collection. Pretty cute too.

  11. These are beautiful designs! I agree that modest fashion can be just as beautiful and bold.

  12. Each piece is stunning 😍 It seems to be an amazing fashion event and am totally in love with these outfits ❤ Great post!

  13. Mama Maggie's KitchenJul 3, 2019, 3:01:00 PM

    Wow! These outfits look soooo fabulous! Loving all the colors and styles.

  14. Great pictures you have here. I hope to attend a fashion show one day.

  15. The red and white outfit looks pretty cool and fun to me. It reminds me of 80s indian films! :)

  16. What an awesome Russian fashion show. My favorite looks are the green and pink floral look and the elegant dark blue outfit

  17. So many older trends here I recognize making a comeback! Love the setting about as much as clothese!

  18. Hi, Lyosha, these fashions are awesome. I particularly like the ones with the hair coverings; they are modest but hugely stylish as well. The setting is so beautiful with all the greenery. Kudos to those talented designers.

  19. absolutley loved seeing images from the fashion week ! amaizng x

  20. The navy dress in the 8th picture is pretty. I wish more fashion shows used realistic models though.


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