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Reaxing Goa times, part 4

Well technically this post is not about Goa, it is about Kartanaka province. We went to see some temples and enjoyed it the best. Huge modern temples, temples of old, holy cows (literally) and bulls, old city vibe. I really loved learning more about huge country of India. This trip was the most filling with events for me, the center of the trip. We kept most of our time relaxing and recharging, practicing yoga, swimming in the sea, sunset and sunrise watching so this trip felt very important to us. I have to admit I loved everything about it. it was an experience to remember.

For that day I picked a dress I bought during the vacation. In fact Max and I had fun thinking if we could buy the dress for real cheap. We set a price of cup of coffee in Moscow to get one and well. I have the dress. Do you like it?


I can't help but post various shots we took just to capture the moments.


Unfortunately that's the last post from me about my fantastic trip to Goa and India. I loved this place more than I planned. it sure was a trip to remember, the forever warming experience. I will miss you, may be I will see you again one day.

I was wearing:
dress scored in India
Adidas flip flops


Have a nice day,

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Follow Inside and Outside


  1. I think if you go to India, you have to do some yoga. That is a great looking dress, gotta love a cheap fashion find.

    1. I agree, you can not skip on yoga, especially if you like yoga in day to day life.

  2. I have been to India once (Mumbai and Pune) but not yet in Goa. I have always wanted to go there and see a lot of great scenery. Thanks for the digital tour. It convinces me to go back to India soon.

  3. Goa is definitely on my wish list as it seems much different than Northern India. Lovely dress!

  4. Part IV?! Hahahaha! Can I just ask until what part is this? all good still. Photos are nice.

    1. it is final. I am not really good at thinking up a fun title for post, esp for travel diary

  5. I've always wanted to visit India! Your adventures make me want to even more. You captured it perfectly.

  6. Wow Goa and India look so beautiful! You got some lovely pictues while on your trip!

  7. Amazing pictures. This place looks so cultural and beautiful. I would love to visit some day.

  8. My friends traveled to Goa and said it changed them forever. I love to travel and this is a region I am yet to explore.

  9. excellent photos. thank you for sharing.
    have a great day

  10. Oh my goodness! Your pictures made me want to be there. What a gorgeous place.

  11. That dress is perfect for the surroundings!

  12. Such fabulous architecture of many buildings here, all set in very beautiful nature. I love the dress you got but can't believe the price. That is really amazing. So was this trip - quite fascinating.

  13. Glad to know that you loved exploring our hindu temple.Goa is my fav holiday destination. You look great in that dress

  14. I think travel is the way to examine the world and learn to perceive it. Love to travel

  15. Kristine Nicole AlessandraMar 3, 2019, 11:27:00 PM

    First of all I would like to let you know that I love your dress! I like the design. So colorful! I also love all your photos. It was like taking a virtual tour of the place! Those temples are so grand!

  16. This post looks like you had a great time. I love all the photos you took!!! So colorful!!!

  17. I loved looking at your photos. I have never been to India. but it all appeals to me so much.

  18. I heard about Goa but not Kartanaka province, what lovely pictures you have there and I can totally see the vibrant culture in India. Been to India but only to the Golden Triangle and Kashmir., not Goa.

  19. Amazing photos, what a gorgeous place x

  20. Oh I love Yoga, that sounds right up my street!

  21. Oh such an inspiring post - I want to go now. I love all the colours in your pictures, just looks like such a wonderful experience.

  22. India warms my heart. There is so much to see and do there and it never gets boring. I love your photos, you did a great job curating them for us, and your dress is beautiful

  23. Oh my gosh, that sounds like such a wonderful trip! Taking it slow, sightseeing, and yoga. All of it sounds like a dream. India has been on my list for a while, I hope I get to go soon.

  24. beautiful photos! and beautiful dress. This seems like a wonderful trip! it is one thats on my bucketlist when my children get older.

  25. I love that dress, it so so pretty and colorful! Goa seems like a wonderful and peaceful place. I love the Buddhist temples!

  26. I've always wanted to visit India and imagine I will one day. There is so much history and spirituality there that interests me.

  27. Karnataka is also close to Gujarat. I really wish if you could visit here. I would love to meet u.

  28. Such a stunning place to visit, I visited Sri Lanka a few years ago and fell in love, so Goa is on my list

  29. Beautiful pictures. I had been there twice, it's a lovely place.

  30. I would love to visit India one day. Your pictures are amazing - it looks like a super fun trip!

  31. Love the dress you're wearing! Goa is such a beautiful place, and I would love to visit it too, someday. :)

  32. Your dress is really cute. Each time i see photos of Goa I want to go more!

  33. You captured Goa and India beautifully! And your dress was perfect for the trip!

  34. How relaxing and so beautiful! I would love to visit someday, looks like something from a movie.

  35. looks like you guys had a fantastic time ! Goa is just breath taking

  36. I have never been to Goa but it sounds like a nice destination getaway during this season.

  37. Sounds like from your last few posts you are having the time of your life. Thanks for sharing your vacation with us.

  38. Your dress perfectly suited the place and the whole atmosphere. It looks so beautiful.

  39. This looks like such an amazing place to visit - so beautiful! I absolutely love your dress too.

  40. Beautiful dress and beautiful pictures. The scenery is gorgeous. I am a foodie, so I missed seeing some beautiful food. Next time please share pictures of local cuisine as well.

  41. From the views to the temples, the amazing sunshine and terrific colours, this region near Goa looks amazing. I hope I get to visit one day.

  42. Your entire adventure in India looked marvelous and wow that dress is gorgeous. What's awesome is that now you can look at it fondly and think of your memories in India.

  43. You have some really adventurous stories. There is so much you can learn from this post, the beautiful places, culture, people and many more things. Thanks for sharing.

  44. Wow! I'm loving your dress for sure! And this trip looks absolutely eclectic and fun!

  45. I have never heard of this place before. But thanks to your photos, I now know lots!

  46. Oh wow nice! I really like the dress you got. The colour and design is really eye catching. Nice choice.

  47. Wow this looks like a beautiful place! I'd love to visit Goa one day, it's so pretty there.

  48. It looks like you had a beautiful time. Your pictures are wonderful and I am in love with you inexpensive fashion find! Great dress!

  49. I always enjoy looking at your photos through your eyes; India looks amazing!

  50. The pictures are amazing. Make me want to visit India even more. I am sure you had a wonderful time .

  51. What a nice place to go! I love the elephant statues.

  52. I am loving living vicariously through your photos! Looks like a wonderful time!

  53. Great post! Thank you very much for giving us a nice article that spends your valuable time. Keep writing.

    Nahid |

  54. These photos are beautiful! I love the dress you're wearing :)

  55. That dress is so chic and fabulous. It really looks good on you. I absolutely love those amazing photos!

  56. I think these place is near hampi or in gokarna,, next try visiting kerala. its serene

  57. What a lovely place to visit, Havent been there and havent heard about the place. thanks for giving us a glimpse of the place.

  58. What a neat place to visit! It looks like you guys had an amazing time. Seems like there was no shortage of things to see!

  59. I was making some plans to visit nearby places around Goa. This post is quite useful to plan it.

  60. I have loved reading your posts and seeing your pics, looks like you had such a wonderful time

  61. I've never heard of this place but I've enjoyed this sneak peak. Seems like a beautiful and relaxing place to visit.

  62. We love your dress too! Looks like a beautiful destination and its great finding out more about India x

  63. I've never been here before but it looks gorgeous! Thanks for sharing your photos! What a great experience in a beautiful location.

  64. I am loving all the pictures! It looks like you had a great time, and everything is so gorgeous and colorful!

  65. Goa is definitely a great place to visit and looks very beautiful. Thanks for sharing this post.

  66. Goa is an amazing place and it has a lot of surprising elements. Loved the photographs and enjoyed reading the post. Thanks.

  67. I have never been to India, but it looks like your having a fantastic time. Thank you for sharing.

  68. I have never been to places like India. But nice photos to share and you surely had fun.

  69. What a lovely vacation in India!!
    Your dress and swimwear are so cute<3
    Thank you for sharing, Lyosha!


  70. Goa is a wonderful place to unwind and relax. You seemed to have visited lots of lovely places! have fun!

  71. beautiful photos!

  72. I would love to visit India one day, it looks amazing. Great pictures too.

  73. Looks like you had an amazing time! I'd love to go to Goa one day x

  74. Thanks for this Wonderful read. Keep up the good work. Cheers!

    Nahid |

  75. This is a great read indeed! Congrats to you.


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