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I find weekends the best days for relaxation even though I do not work 5/7 9to5. A lot of people do and during the weekends where are a lot more interesting things happening. Also it is easier to meet up with friends because at least half of the group works in such way. And you have to agree working without days off apply only to parental work. And when you rest what do you wear at home? Old t-shirts? pajamas? specially bought items for home? anything goes? I am the latter version, I don't have anything specific to wear at home, I just go for what I feel like. But definitely there are items I wear at home more often than the others. Below is my typical look at home. Super comfy mid-sporty pants and a top. Top or a t-shirt is completely random but I still like it that way. I am almost all the time bare feet at home because any other way my legs do not feel rested. Do you want confidetial info? I bet you do! I love wearing only long t-shirt at home, it is my ultimate lazy form. Shhhh!

Lazy, right? I somehow really like this super lazy photo.

But this weekend I am not at home and do not look like the picture above. I went on a weekend getaway trip with friends. Stay tuned with social media: I will be updating it on a way! And will make you a special post about it next week. Stay Tuned!


Have a nice day,

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  1. At home I wear mostly sport clothes :) Your look is cool!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  2. I usually wear oversized t-shirt and a short shorts at home. Feels good and comfy :)

    Please check out my latest post, too? I'd love to hear something from you! :)

  3. I wonder why everyone just longs for weekends! Well, it's the mentality but anyway, it can be very relaxing to stretch out and walk barefoot in the house.

  4. I love wearing comfortable clothes all weekend long too! I hope you had a good weekend away with friends - sometimes the best way to break up work is with a fun trip away!

  5. Love that you look cute and comfy at home! I typically wear sweats at home during the winter months...because it is just so cold where I live!

  6. I haven't tried to go barefoot at home, because my feet get cold, but I'm intrigued to try it. I love to lounge around in comfy clothes when at home.

  7. hahaha I like the lazy pict! Weekends should be time to relax and regain energy. Unfortunately isn't always my case lol Thank you for sharing!


  8. This looks like the perfect weekend! I'm waiting for the warmer weather to be able to go barefoot...currently it's sweats and long t-shirts. :)


  9. It sounds like you are going to have a great weekend with some friends. Enjoy!

  10. I totally agree with what you are saying about clothing on the weekends. For me, it is all about comfort for what ever it is I plan to do. Particularly as I enjoy spending time in nature, I like to dress in a way that is easy to move around and feels comfortable.

  11. I stay in sweatpants and t shirt or my pajamas when I am having a lazy day at home. You definitely look comfortable in your home. Comfort is key wherever you are whether at home or out and about. Looking forward to reading about your trip!

  12. I mainly sit around the house in yoga pants and a tshirt. If I go anywhere I just throw on some flip flops and I'm ready!

  13. Weekends mean limited amount of computer use and less social media. I just love relaxing

  14. I love weekends it's my off and lazy days for me. Well I'll spend my time to create post on my blog during weekends have a great weekend.

  15. We all deserve at least one lazy day to be a healthy person. I am trying to getaway myself for a roadtrip this week.

  16. I cherish weekends a lot, is my work free day, i spend my time watching football with my sport clothes on, and hang out with friends to have my fun. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Feels great to be lazy at the weekends. x

  18. I tend to wear my pyjamas at home unless I know I have to go out - and I usually just wear whatever I wore during the day after that! :)

    Hope that you had a great weekend :) We had a fun but busy one with a kids birthday party. I've just posted my weekday wear linkup on my blog if you want to join :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  19. Oh I live for the weekends!! Have so much fun on your getaway trip! Can't wait to hear more about it!

  20. I love lazy weekends but trips are also fun! Excited to hear an update!

  21. I have "house" clothes which are separate from the rest of my wardrobe. Pretty much, when I'm at home it's mostly pyjama pants and a comfy tee or hoodie! You look super relaxed!

  22. I love go stay at home. I such a home body. i'm currently binging on a new show with my feet up. my safe haven.

  23. I love weekends as well and being able to kick back and relax. I love being able to spend time with family and friends.

  24. I love weekends because I can wake up whenever I want to! Hahahaa jk, for some reason my kid likes to wake up extra early on the weekends when it's a battle to wake him up on the weekdays!

    But we're all about the comfy clothes too! Oversized Tee's for the win!

  25. Lazy weekends are the best! I definitely take it easy, don't keep to the same routines that I do Monday-Friday. Helps reset me mentally.

  26. I'm an oversized t-shirt person, myself. :)

  27. The weekends are made for relaxation! I love rocking dino onesies since its still really cold in PA.

  28. For some reason weekdays are better relaxation days for me. My weekends are always so insane.

  29. Sounds like you have some awesome plans for the weekend and I am glad for yourself. Wish you a happy trip

  30. Just like you, i don't work 7-5 or 9-5 jobs, weekends are always my relaxation and reflection time.

  31. when i was in school i used to love weekends because I could wake up late in the morning, then adulthood came LOL

  32. Hope you had an amazing time this weekend. I look forward to catching your social media from it all.

  33. Oh, this is great news. Will wait for the pictures from your weekend getaway eagerly

  34. I always enjoyed my weekends because am less busy and the work load always reduced.

  35. I love my long t-shirts. I also have fallen completely in love with leggings after trying for the last few years to avoid them. So comfy! You've got to learn how to relax when you get a chance. #selfcare

  36. Everyone deserves a lazy weekend every now and then! Enjoy it!

  37. Some really helpful advice and tips here! I love relaxing at the weekend too x

  38. Sometimes just chilling out and laying down is the best thing to do on a weekend. And reading a book. :)

  39. Weekends are the best. I spend mine in sweats and a tank top most of the time.

  40. They said one lazy day a week reduced high blood pressure, stress and it prevents cancer. I also do not work a 9 to 5 but it is more relaxing because I still have to answer emails and do work during the week so the weekend is a true break!


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