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MBFWRussia, day 2 Yulia Kosyak

ENG: And there you have it! Pretty fast, right? I know you might be pretty surprised to see me posting daily but I currently have so many fashion shows and I want to tell you about everything and at the same time I don't really want to fall back too much with time so I am posting more actively. Hope you are ok with this!
RU: А вот и новый пост! Быстро, верно? Я знаю, это довольно удивительно, что я публикую записи ежедневно, однако впереди столько показов мод, а хочу успеть рассказать вам обо всём и сразу! А ещё я не очень хочу отваливаться по времени и расписанию, поэтому сейчас я более активна, чем обычно. Надеюсь, это нормально для вас!
ENG: And so my second day on Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia. I want to divide this day in two because I don't really see the mix of fashions. Plus I transformed my outfits so I feel OK with making two posts instead of one. So much for worrying about timing, hehe.
RU: Вернёмся к Неделе Моды. Это мой сторой день на Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia. Я приняла решение разделить его на два, потому что я не особенно хочу смешивать два слишком разных показа. Плюс, мой образ трансформировался, так что я счистой совестью могу сделать две публикации вместо одной. И это после стольких слов о расписании!

ENG:Today's post is all about magical show by Yulia Kosyak. I really like her styles both ones she makes for stage events (the so-called theatrical) and everyday wear. Wonderful prints this season! I also liked the usage of nets there: the material is splendid, it's very pleasing to the skin. Surely the short and sexy stage dresses are eye-catching as well as big sparkling boots  but I highly recommend day more attention to more casual dresses, shirts and other details. And as usual my big gratitude to Werewolf Family for helping to make this Fashion Show a real Show. Wonderful mix of regular catwalk and stunning arty atmosphere.
RU: Сегодняшняя публикация целиком посвящена магическому показу от Юлии Косяк. Я мне очень нравится её работы, как более сценические, так и и более повседневные. Хотелось бы отметить прекрасные принты этого сезона! Равно как и использование сетки: материал очень интересный, он очень приятен к коже. Конечно, яркие и короткие, более сценические образы привлекают больше внимания на себя, однако я очень рекоммендую обратить внимание и на более повследневные образы, рубашки и мелкие детали. Так же хотелось бы отметить и поблагодарить не только работу дизайнера, но и Werewolf Family, которые своей музыкой сделали этот показ мод настоящим ШОУ. Прекрасный микс обычного показа и поистине артистичного представления.

ENG: My outfit was super comfortable, yet I am crazy about this style. Actually it's also easy to put on which was super idea to me because early in the morning I attended a running event Run About Future. I went to fashion week right after completing the race. I wanted comfortable shoes so I wore snickers, hat boosted the looks as I think plus it covered my hair. backpack helped to have everything I needed with me.
RU: Мой образ в тот день был супер комфортным, честно признаться мне очень нравится этот образ. Его очень просто физически на себя надеть, что было весьма кстати, так как ранее в тот день я учавствовала в беговом событии Run About Future в честь дня борьбы с ожирением. Я отправилась на Неделю Моды сразу после финиша. Мне хотелось одеть убодную обувь, так что я остановилась на кроссовках. На мой взгляд, кепка немало добавила моему образу и заодно слегка прикрыла волосы. Рюкзак не только часть образа в тот день, но и важный элемент, ведь у меня с собой было много вещей!

I was wearing:
Monki jumpsuit
Nike Air Max sneakers
Marcs & Spencer's hat


Have a nice day,

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  1. That looks like it was a pretty awesome time. I like almost all the stuff they had going on up there on the runway, Most of it looked like you could actually wear it out in the world.

  2. I love your outfit! you look amazing it's really gorgeous!

  3. Fashion is an art that sometimes hard to comprehend. Beautiful collection and gorgeous pictures that you have there!

  4. omg she is awesome! Love her designs, so cool and different!

  5. I have never been to a fashion show before. It looks like a great place to get inspired by soaking up creativity.

  6. I've never been to a fashion show but it sounds like so much fun! Those designs are all so cool.

  7. It looks like you are having SO MUCH fun! How amazing! And I love what you wore. What a stunning outfit.

  8. How fun! I've never been to a fashion show, especially in another country. Keep enjoying yourself!

  9. I have never been to a fashion show like this one, I would LOVE it. I'd have to take my daughter, as she is the fashion expert!

  10. Very cute outfit you are wearing! And I also love the fun fashion show - looks so cool!

  11. Those are such unique outfits! Sounds like a fun show though. Fashion is very subjective and creative!

  12. Sounds like you had fun and your outfit looks great and practical with your sneakers

  13. Looks like you had an amazing time! How many days were you there?

    1. it lasts for six full days including fashion futurum, day for upcoming designers.

  14. It was really a great fashion show. The collections are so impressive. There are really awesome designers nowadays to look for.

  15. As usual u look lovely in your outfit and the pictures are really great of the models and fashion show.

  16. cute outfit! comfort + style. also digging the models' outfits. i had to look twice, but is one of the model's pregnant?

    1. yes she is pregnant. it is actually a friend of designer and a musicians. she was the part of all the fashion shows the designer ever had.

  17. Interest fashion show. Looks like a fun event!

  18. Love your outfit - stylish yet comfy. Totally lovin' your sneakers, too! :)

  19. You looked a lot more comfortable then some of those models did. Your style is more in my eye I have a hard time understanding the the more abstract fashion lines. Keep up the good work

  20. Wow, that looks really a nice fashion show event to watch. Those collections are really beautiful and I am sure you are having fun watching this show.

  21. Did you take those pictures? Captured well and you look great with your outfit.

    1. yes I always use only pictures I take myself. Obviously I had with my own photos though, my husband helped me with them as he attended fashionshows with me

  22. So many beautiful styles. I like that you wore stylish yet comfortable clothing to the event.

  23. Kristine Nicole AlessandraOct 17, 2018, 7:56:00 AM

    Wow, those are really beautiful collection and I am sure that you are having fun in that watching that fashion show.

  24. There are so many cool and interesting looks here! I've never been to a real fashion show but it looks like fun

  25. These are such innovative and unique designs! I've never been to a real fashion show, but I'd love to!

  26. Oh wow I love love the outfit you chose to wear, its so lovely!

  27. Wow! This looks like such an amazing time. Loving all of those outfits

  28. Wow, great photos! Very interesting fashion - I like the leg things they are wearing!

  29. So cool! It must be a blast to go to so many events!! Love your outfit for the day.

  30. That looks like a pretty wild show! I am glad you had a great time!

  31. How exciting? I'd love to watch a fashion show, they always look so awesome.

  32. what a unique fashion show! love the clothes and especially your outfit, very cute!

  33. Your outfit was cute and comfy! It looks like you had a great time at the fashion show. ��

  34. First of all, you look good in that outfit and I am sure you are having a great time watching that fashion show.

  35. I would have loved to see this! Everyone looks really good at the show!

  36. Wow, I love those unique designs of collections. They are so beautiful and I really like them.

  37. Oh wow! this is sooo awesome and futuristic! I love it, and also it is the first time I see a pregnant model in a non-pregnant dedicated fashion show!

  38. You're really rocking that outfit! I'm not fashionable at all, and wish I could wear some of these creations!

  39. Model's dresses are so unique and amazing. Other then dresses I love their shoes too. Your pics shows that you had a great time there. Btw your outfit is so cute and you are looking equally cute in this outfit.

  40. very dramatic and unique collection, I like it a lot. Your outfit is very pretty as well.


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