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I don't why but I can't back on track lately. having a funny days off or doing some important stuff or even celebrating my own birthday makes me slack. I feel sorry and sad about it but don't have enough of willpower. Unfortunately there are very few inspiring places/account in social networks to inspire in such way. I mean there are tons of inspiring texts, images, accounts with sports but nothing about blogging. I have no issues with daily workouts, morning runs and even with running our Ludosport classes twice a week but I do have with posting. I mean when you are editing the photos or struggling to think up some story to match your completely random outfit you often gt tempted with checking some pins, refreshing your facebook feed (I'll get some inspiration from my super creative friends!) instagram, twitter or whatever. And becomes endless until it's alas! time to go. It's called procrastination and I find it a disease. Even writing this post I lost about 10 minuts because my robot-vacuum scared my dog away and he moved the chair. I found a couple of things to do on my way back. Oh the everyday life issues. So consuming!
This thoughts are not completely random actually they are a bit usual for any person here and there and so as the outfit I'm sharing with you today. It's completely everyday and tend to wear it a bit often for shot walk here and there. It's warmer now and no snow (finally!) so I simply open up my coat when needed. Why? Because it's a bit windy here anyway.
I do love this coat. It's very easy to style, it's completely windproof and the pockets are huge! There is a funny story of how I got it actually. My mom and I wandered around Forever21 looking through the coat of her fave style when she was attending the uni. I wanted to try such on as well but each coat was either too big to fit by size or ended up being too big for my body. Petite issues, you know. We laughed about that and ended trying each coat on. This one fitted nicely and looked so pretty - I simply couldn't resist and walked off the shop hugging this coat in a bag. It also happens to be 3 green coat which is very usual because normally I avoid this color.

 I tend to wear it as the only color accent but promise to try something brighter.
I'll finish this off with fun because why not! I love it!

I was wearing:
Forever21 coat and sweater
Marks and Spenser beret (sorry for wearing it this way)
Calvin Klein jeans
Shoes borrowed from my mom's closet to never come back


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. Lovely post dear! Have a great weekend! xx

  2. Oh yes really good items =) Thanks

    Great pictures =) I love snow <3
    I follow you now on GFC. Let me know when you follow me back =)

  3. Lovely post :) have a great weekend

  4. Love that long coat on you. It happens sometime, hopefully you'll get back on the path.

  5. Nice outfit! U look sooo cute! *-*

  6. thanks a lot, dear :D

    great coat. love the color :D

    NEW GIVEAWAY POST | Mad Dragon Seeker: Voucher 50€
    InstagramFacebook Oficial PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  7. I liked your blog and photos honey! Nice post :)
    I'm waiting you to my blog,dear

  8. I know the feeling! Sometimes we all get to that period of life when we just cannot get back on track! But hope you're gonna do it asap. Lovely look btw. Happy weekend! xoxo

    Vildana from Living Like V & Stalia Is BAE

  9. Procrastination is the worst! I'm the opposite from you in terms that blogging is one of my procrastination activities. I can't seem to bring myself to work out or catch up on school work or practice instruments, because all I want to do is think and watch movies.

    The Life of Little Me

    1. I think it depends on whether it's the activity (hello procrastination) or it's a need. I mean you can't feel not in the mood to eat if you are hungry. I believe it's my call when it goes for workouts. However about work - sometimes I'm slacking there as well, letting it go and crying 'omg' to myself trying to thin up what to do, lol.

  10. You look amazing
    Fabulous outfit

    Love Vikee

  11. Love your coat. Cute look.

  12. Amazing post, dear! :) Do you want to follow each other? If yes, please follow me with GFC and Google, instagram, write a comment
    and I follow you back :)

    With love.

  13. hey girl! remember me? long time, no see!
    I'm back blogging!
    and you never stoped!! got big! great work :))

    1. Nice to see you back dear! Thanks for letting me know!

  14. You looking awesome. i like your boots.

  15. Lovely dear,you look so pretty


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