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Champagne inspiration while staying at home

Max got sick (no worries just a little cold) but that means I lack of photos. But it's not a reason to leave you without my posts. Right now I'm going to make one more inspiration post because they are fun, cute and I don't have to take a speed course of self photography without proper tools. That's why I was very happy to collaborate with a lovely brand of wedding dresses called Weddingshe (and yes I can't get enough of their amazing dresses and find a lot of inspiration there). They asked me to share my thoughts on champagne wedding of weddingshe which was very interesting for me. I never focused on colors writing my thoughts about dresses but I do think champagne color is wonderful for wedding. It's more practical than regular white (especially if you have a long skirt which gets some dust during the day no matter what) but still has a needed classical look. Some bright wedding dresses (like red, green or my beloved blue) are nice but don't get me wrong white or close colors are giving you the needed level of wedding emotions. If you are tired of white dresses why don't you pick some champagne colored dresses? The spirit stay there but the color is not like every other wedding dress. 
Here are my best choices of of champagne dresses from Weddingshe:
This dress is so amazingly cute! I love the laced details, the material (it looks so light). For me it's a perfect dresses for summer wedding of a young couple.

Elegance, vintage vibe, lace. Great simple and modest silhouette. I could write about it more but do you really need it?
Stunning dress. I love it's simplicity and charm. I also like how sexy it is due to the leg. Stunning and simple dress, it does nothing but complete the bride.
This dress is total fun! It looks perfect for summer and is wearable in day to day life. It looks very cute and lace is showing the needed romantic vibe for wedding.

Which dress is your fave?

Charming dresses viewed on:


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. Your collection is just awesome check out my new post at

  2. Lovely dresses!!

  3. Hello from Spain: I really like the dresses. They are very cool. Keep in touch.

  4. These are gorgeous dresses! Love the campaign colour
    Candice | Beauty Candy Loves

  5. I love all of these dresses. I love the last one the most. :)

  6. Wonderful dresses :) kiss

  7. The first one is so perfect !

  8. Lovely dresses!



  10. Champagne wedding gown is noble and exceptional, a good choice except white bridal gown.

  11. Замечательные платья!!! Очень красивые! У вас потрясающий эстетический вкус!

  12. Hey, what's up, you alright..?
    Great post hun, thanks for sharing.

    Following you..
    There's a new post on my blog..
    Visit me whenever you have time;

    Kisses, i hope you have a lovely week. xXx

  13. The last dress is definitely my favourite. xx
    Living in Colour

  14. No question, the first dress is my favourite.


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