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This Friday was a very busy day when I had to do tons of things, which is a bit unusual for me last days. But what was very cool about it is that I attended to an awesome presentation.
Irada is Russian brand which was born to fulfill the needs of muslim women to look stylish within the religious way. Now it's not fully made for that purpose but also provide all stylish ladies with long dresses and skirts which all of us adore. Moreover the prices are totally brilliant, kept low. But it's not just about dresses, there also are skirts, blouses, pants, amazing bags and scarfs. I was very happy and fortunate to have one of them as a present.

Originally I wore other outfit but I'll keep it for other post mostly because I don't want to ruin the spirit of the Irada presentation. Apart of showing their shop, offering some yummies and cheer spirit there also were amazing treats like masterclass of scarf do and mehndi. I couldn't try the latter because I'm allergic but I had tons of fun with the former! In fact I had my scarf done two times and still can't figure which was the best.
I also wore Irada dress during the presentation and it was soo good. Warm (mostly of wool) and comfy despite the length of skirt (Irada makes it for very tall women because what is long can be altered, what is too short — can't). I'll definitely add it to my collection!

having your scarf done is almost like a hairdresser time but better - faster and easier to redo if you didn't like a result. A turban shape, color of it, style can represent your mood and personality. If you are handy it can be a great add to your outfit.

I just love the way this photo shows the event - the colors and people on it show more of the spirit than shots of me.
As I've started showing more, I'd love to add shots of the small but cosy shop, where it all happened, stuff and people who came by.

 Brand founder (in lilac dress) and brand director (in deep blue).

Thank you for amazing time we've spend there, for smiles, for scarfs and showing us Irada the way it is, charming, friendly and cute.

I was wearing:
Irada dress and scarf


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. wow you look so incredible beautiful on those photos! really originally like on the painting of the girl with the eating!!!!

    1. oh I didn't actually realized at first that it indeed looks like a girl with pearl earring painting

  2. Great Post and photos:-)

  3. nice blog,I love it <3
    I'm your new follower :)

  4. It looks absolutely perfect on you. I love the head wrap :-)

  5. This head wrap is amazing and so your maxi dress!!!
    Have a great start of the new week doll!!!

    My Facebook

  6. Замечательно, я помню Ваш этот образ по инстаграм!

    1. здорово, значит он удался :)

  7. Lyosha... these look great on you, I'm glad you found some comfortable dresses that you like too... the scarves are pretty ♡

  8. You look really amazing.
    I would love to come back soon to your lovely blog.
    Have a lovely day.

  9. I didn t know this brand, but it looks really interesting.
    Lovely outfit.
    Keep in touch, kisses


  10. I like all of the scarf wrap styles but the first look was my favorite because it is different than other wrap styles I have seen. It is great that you had such a good time at the event. The pictures are wonderful.


  11. Интересный образ!
    но специфично...

    Elena Maksudy

  12. I like this. You look lovely and it's wonderful that you're showing Muslim fashion in a positive light. I know several Muslim women here who, within the limitations they have to deal with, present themselves with feminine beauty.

  13. OMG! I love that long dress! Simple yet very beautiful!

    BTW, thank you for coming to my blog <33 already followed you <33

  14. Thanks for stopping by again! hehe. Yea- that dress is so cute- I bought it as a "good job me" because I had one hectic month! lol. Following you back on G+, GFC, and Bloglovin'! Love this headscarf!!! Are you based in Russia? You normally don't wear a headscarf, right?


    1. it hard to explain. originally russian slavic women wore scarfs on everyday matter. there are also different nationalities like tartar who are muslim and wear headscarf as a part of their religious sign. the only different part was the style. in fact it's all gone after the start of USSR when the headscarf was forbidden. As for me, no, I normally don't, it's easy to see through my outfit posts. :)

  15. Oh it must have been fun learning and trying all the different ways to wear a headscarf! Scarves are so practical, they can be worn so many different ways! :)

    It's a good idea to make things long so that they can be shortened if needed, clever idea!

    Away From The Blue

  16. making a scarf looks so difficult- wish to be styled like this once! :)
    have an amazing weekend!

  17. You look gorgeous with that scarf!

  18. You look great! and how nice that you kept with the spirit of the clothing. I think the colours are lovely and wish the best for the designer and collection.
    Insta-Art Work & Play

  19. beautiful dress!

  20. You have a nice blog:)

  21. Я как-то пыталась такую чалму завязать, но увы не получилось)

    1. у меня тоже не получается, хорошо, когда есть люди, которые умеют и можно получить удовольствие от носки хоть иногда)

  22. Following you:)

  23. Headscarves are a cool trend! Your outfit is lovely!


  24. You look beautiful! What an awesome event!

  25. Great look, the scarf is amazing. Love the bright colors in collection. :)
    Thanks for your comment.
    Fashion Happenss

    1. oh yes, bring color are so superb ands feminine, loved it a lot myself!

  26. Your look is fantastic, reminds me of a great painting!
    Thanks for your comment, always good to know more ...
    my page is under construction ...
    Have a good week, dear Lyosha!!! my g+ for you!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

    1. oh you've seen that too so it's actually like that.
      Let me know when the page would be ready :)

  27. Lucky you! That looks like an amazing presentation!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  28. this dress is adorable, and looks warm!!Thanx for your comment, I love your blog I follow you now in GFC and bloglovin, hope you will do the same!!

  29. you looked so beautiful Ly!

  30. You look beautiful. Thanks for the comment, love. (:

    xo, Mary

  31. Perfect style! You look incredible! :)
    Have a nice day!
    Angela Donava

  32. Really fantastic pictures! You look adorable! :)
    Thanks for your lovely comment, just follow me and I will follow you back!

    Let's keep in touch!
    Have a fantastic day

  33. excellent post, I like your blog, you have a collection of everything great! lovely

    would u like to follow each other?

  34. Replies
    1. и на самом деле доступно. Спасибо за комментарий!

  35. Lovely post and pictures! =)
    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    NEW POST on

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  36. You look beautiful
    Fabulous pictures
    Thank you for following my blog, I am returning the love and following your blog too.
    Keep in touch. New post is up.

    Love Vikee

  37. Hi! Thank you for the comment on my blog post! Your blog is very interesting :) Just followed you! Please follow me back if you're interested <3


  38. Originally I wore other outfit but I'll keep it for other post mostly because I don't want to ruin the spirit of the Irada presentation. Apart of showing their shop, offering some yummies and cheer spirit there also were amazing treats like masterclass of scarf do and mehndi. antique necklace designs , custom handmade shoes , ankle chain , hand embroidered bags , embroidered belt womens , leather belt for jeans , thigh boots with belt , bracelet design I couldn't try the latter because I'm allergic but I had tons of fun with the former! In fact I had my scarf done two times and still can't figure which was the best.


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