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New award

Just a brief post about new award I recently received thanks to charming Anastasia (don't forget to read her blog here). I can't help but say how grateful I can for this. Especially now when I feel great but tired. I really appreciate each and every one of you!

P.S. I'll make a new big post tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I write it here because if I don't I'll be ashamed.
P.P.S. by the way, I'm having a lot cool stuff to share with you!

The rules:
1. The nominee who got this award have to post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer 11 question from the one who give you the award.
3. Choose 11 other people and link them in your post.
4. Create 11 questions for the blogger you're nominated.
5. Go and tell them that they've been nominated
6. No tag back!

This is another 11 things about me (hate it):
1) I hate thinking up new awesome facts about me
2) I wish I had my holidays now
3) I've tons of penguins on my desk at work
4) My hair are shorter than my husband's
5) We bought our second dog think he would be my dog. It turned out our elder dog chosen to be his main person.
6) I've issues with red colour and generally in between colours, I mean I'm suffering from colour disorder
7) Even fact no. 6 doesn't make my love to fashion and style any less
8) because of fact no. 6 I always have to ask someone if my socks are coloured in the same way.
9) I dislike Androind OS
10) and I also hate HP technics. Sorry.
11) I wish there were 34 hours per day or at least I needed 30 minutes for sleep.

The next happy bloggers:
1. Shybiker
2. Nastya
7. Laura
10. Kim
11. Melanie

My answers:
1. What would you choose : being a single child or have siblings? Why?
That's a very hard question. In fact I can not say about what I do not know. But in general having a big family rocks
2. What's the meaning of your blog title?
Inside and Outside. the next after the title is Inside for personality, outside is for clothes. I do always understood I couldn't keep this blog without my life, personality, trip posts and such. That's my I mentioned everything in the title.
3. Why you choose to blog about what you're blogging now (either it's fashion, food, places, etc)?
I generally love clothes and different styles. My job doesn't let me a lot for dressing so I keep this place as my holidays, evenings and seldom work outfits.
4. Which one do you choose : puppy or kitten?
I already have three dogs. Kitten would make a lot of fun but I'm stuck to dogs for now. I can't help someone who can not understand my commands.
5. Who's your inspirational public figure?
Hard to say. I'm not a fan of being a fan
6. What's your idea about a perfect dating relationship?
hmmm... I'm a marired woman now, we date and eat and have fun, that's perfect enough for me
7. What's your favorite food and drink?
I eat pretty much everything. Mane me country and I'll say what I love the most. but let's steak to national Tatarian food, yay for tatar! i could eat koze all day long!
8. What would you do in 10 years from now?
Holy cow! I con't want want to think so forward. I'm not sure what I would do in couple of days. hahaha. In fact I'm a flow person. For now I have everything I wanted and more. But people change. In 10 years I way want something I've never even though before.
9. Which one do you choose : night or day? and why?
Night. I'm very active at nights, energetic and can stay up for a very long time.
10. Which brand do you love the most?
I'm Marc Jacobs lover
11. If God give you a chance to wish for anything, what would you asked God for? 
If I tell a wish it'll never come true :)
My questions:
1. If you had to choose a totem animal which one would you choose?
2. What's your favourite sports activity?
3. Mall or Small shops?
4. Which location do you find perfect for a girls night out?
5. Do you do motivation boards? What is the most common something you add there?
6. If each day you had 30 minutes just for yourself what would you do?
7. Flats or heels?
8. If you could change something (but only one little part) what would you change and why?
9. What do you do when you feel sad and tried?
10. Why did you start blogging?
11. If you decided to write a book what would it be like? Would you publish it afterwords?

Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. Congratulations and greetings friend.

  2. Congrats and have a great weekend :)

  3. Penguins! I love penguins!

    Congrats on the award: you deserve recognition. And thanks for passing it along to me; you're too sweet. Your questions are interesting, too.

  4. Congrats on the award girl!

  5. Congratulations on the award, it was really cool learning a little more about you!

  6. Congrats dear!! You deserve all the awards!




  7. congratulations on your award!


    Erin @

  8. Congratulations on your award! I love them, but hate answering all of the questions. hahaha Your responses were truly interesting Ly.

  9. You're so cool! Your answers to the questions sound a lot like mine would. Thanks for passing one of these on to me! The new questions are great.

  10. Congrats on the award!! I'm excited to read more of your posts (first time I come here) so I'm curious about the new you want to share :p


  11. Congrats! :D hope you can stop by my blog to check out my latest post! <3

    Cindy C.

  12. You deserve the award and these are always such a cool way to learn about people. What is koze?

    1. koze is dried horse meat (those horses are raised to become food in fact) usually in the shape of sausage. what should I say - I love horses in all the ways


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