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The big Boss for dogs

I'm sorry for lack of posts last week but I was sick and also Max and I made a temporary move to my parent's house. My mom and dad went to the vacation and need their home to be taken care of: plants and my lovely dog Elen mostly. Due to lack of space in our own home it was easier to move to new home for 2 weeks. So we've been busy moving our laptops, Xbox and our little dog. As it is my parent's house there are a lot things from my childhood and things belonged to me. I left there some old clothes just in case I had to change (we often walk in the park next to their home, by the way it's our park as well but another part of it). Did you already guess what happened? I'm opening the posts series with only old clothes on board!
This brown and black outfit is very comfy and nice. I wore it even 2 times. Ones for a walk wth lovely Max and the dogs and then the cafe. And the second time for my boss' boss visit. I was back uping my collegue and also worked for my self. the whole 4th floor was only up t my show. i did great!

I was wearing:
My mom's hat
no brand left for jeans and sweater
boots Camelot
Tee Mango

P.S. the weather was not very nice (snowing) so we've made close ups at home


  1. Nice photos in the winter! I also love your outfit. :-)

    Come visit me. Much love from Mystic Nymph.

  2. great jacket and sweater!! so chic!!
    beautiful and so stylish as always!!
    if you have a minute, please vote for me here <3

  3. The brown cropped sweater is just lovely on you :) And your mom's hat is just so chic, very comfy and stylish outfit!


    A Single Girl's Musings

  4. Sorry to hear you have been ill sweetie, hope you are well by now! ♥♥

    Loving your smile...

    The Cat Hag

  5. Lyosha, you look great! I like the color mixture and I love your mom's hat.
    Its fantastic that you live close to your parents and that you are able to go back and be nostalgic about the past while staying firm in the present.

  6. Lyosha, you have a great blog. I followed you on Google and Bloglovin. Thank You, for following my blog.

  7. hey you already have snow there? how cool!!!;) and those pictures at that beautiful lake are so gorgous darling!

    love and kiss,mary

  8. nice photos!

    kisses from La Mode En Rose = )

  9. Very cute brown sweater! I love it...following you now. Stop by again, we can be blogging friends!

    <3 Cambria

  10. Nice post. I especially love the short jersey and of course, the snow ( we never have snow here!)

  11. I love your location. Cute outfit too!

    Thanks for your comments on my blog!

  12. love your amazing look! :)
    wanna follow each other?

  13. Gorgeous body of water (I don't know if it's a lake, ocean, or river, so I'll just be generic!)! It looks cold but very charming. I LOVE your jacket, and the rest of the outfit as well. It's very appropriate for the events you described. I'd wear it more than twice!

    I hope you're feeling better by now!

  14. Nice the location and snow! Your hat is so cute :)

    Heel in Mint

  15. this is cool!
    thanks for the sweet comment!!

  16. omgosh! it looks SUPER cold... i think i would've been frozen to death wearing just a jacket. hehe.

    sorry to hear that you were sick! i hope you're feeling much better now. :)

    ps. just wanted to let you now that this whole month, i'm hosting a giveaway every week! currently, there's a stunning bodycon dress up for grabs! (the retail price is $230!) i hope you'll stop by soon & join! :)

    cindy - design3rd

  17. was this the first snow
    It is cold in Milan but no snow yet
    I love the snow , great outfit
    have a nice and stylish weekend darling
    come and say hi
    The Dolls Factory

  18. I hear you, I am on the same page as you. I am getting ready to do state exams and my time has been EXTREMELY limited and I miss so much blogging and all of you.
    I love this pictures, the backgrounds are awesome and you look great in that super comfy, cute outfit. Love your jacket.
    Hope you are feeling better.

  19. The snow was only a one night stand. Thanks for you coomments it means a lot to me!


  20. Love the pants!


  21. Pretty pics hun!!! I love your outfit!!! That outfit is so cute!!! :)


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