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Big News

Some people have a dog, a cat, a hamster... My bf and I didn't have a friend until this weekend. Finally we have a pet home. His name's Sigismund. and he's a spider. He's so very adorable! We are still waiting for terrarium so he lives in carrying terrarium (impossible to take his photos in it). When our boy grows up he'll be alike the pictured spider.

У кого-то есть собака, у кого-то кошка, а у кого-то хомяк... Мы с моим мужчиной до этих выходных такого меньшего брата не имели. Но наконец-то у нас есть домашний любимец! Его зовут Сигизмунд и он паук. Он такой очаровательный!Мы все ещё ждем террариума, поэтому он живет переносном террариуме (в котором невозможно его сфотографировать). Когда наш мальчик вырастет, он бдет похож на того паука, что на снимке.

But that's not the only news I'm having. It's actually not my news but my family's. My boyfriend's book is going to be published! My man (fingers crossed) will be published for his second time! I'm very happy and proud.

Но это не единственные хорошие новости. В действительности это не мои новости, а новости моей семьи. Книгу моего мужчины собираются издавать! Моего мужчину (ттт) опубликуют во второй раз! Я так счастлива и горда.

P.S. I finally got trip to Kazan pictures so the next post would be mostly with photos and, for sure, clothes!
P.S. Наконец-то у меня появились фото из Казани, поэтому следующий пост будет в основном с фотографиями и, конечно, одеждой!


  1. I have a dog .... your Sigismund looks really cute and I think all animals deserve love, care and respect .... even if some are more 'unconventional' than others :)
    Congrats to you Boyfriend!

  2. omg congrats on his book being published thats a huge deal!

    <3 steffy
    Steffys Pros and Cons
    Follow Me!

  3. I can't believe you have a pet spider...haha. But he does seem cute ;) Congrats on the BF's book being published. This is a big deal.


  4. thanks for the congrats from both of us!

    as for spider, spider is very nice as a pet: you can actually pet the spider and find him soft and warm as kitten.

  5. Congrats on the publication! What kind of stuff does he write?

    And ha. I know so many people who are scared to death of spiders. I don't really love them, but good for you for being different and getting a super cool pet!

  6. oh goodness, i am TERRIFIED of spiders - especially hairy ones!!! youre a brave girl! congrats to your bf, what great news :)

  7. thanks for the congrats to my BF!
    as for spiders... I'm not scared of them and they are amazing pets - feeding 2 times a mounth, spiders don't smell, need a very small place, you don't have to walk with them and there is nothing to worry about when you go for the vacation :D practical, not different :) Thanks, girls


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